PBX Pools
PBX Pools allow to create duplicate Extensions in one system. It means that different companies can use same system and have same Extensions as others are using. Extensions can dial each other only on their own Pool.
Extensions are created for Devices, Call Queues, External DIDs, Ring Groups
Go to ADDONS –> PBX Functions –> PBX Pools
Here you are able to see list of all PBX Pools which you have:
In this page you can
Add new PBX Pool,
edit or delete old PBX Pool. You are not able to delete Global PBX Pool.
- Click on blue user icon to see Users, who belongs to particular PBX Pool.
- Click on
icon to see Extensions which belongs to particular PBX Pool.
By default admin will have Global PBX Pool. This Pool is a set of Extensions which will be used if Extension is not found in other PBX Pools.
PBX Pools have to be assigned for
- Users (whose Devices will have Extensions),
- Call Queues,
- External DIDs
- Ring Groups
NOTE At same time PBX Pool cannot have two or more same Extensions. To prevent conflict some of PBX Pools, where duplicate Extension exists, will not be shown between selections.
Let's say we have 3 different companies on one MOR system and all of them wants to use Extensions 101, 102, 103, 104. To make this situation work, need to create 3 different PBX Pools and assign them to Users (whose Devices will have Extensions), Call Queues, External DIDs or Ring Groups.