M4 Aggregates
Aggregate statistics provide brief information about Terminators and Originators, ASR, ACD.
Go to REPORTS –> Aggregate
Filter by
Filters allow to have more specific data. You can filter data by specific Date, Originator (User), Origination Point, Terminator (User), Termination Point, Duration, CallerID (number part of CallerID), Destination (number) or Destination Group.
Destination and Destination Group filters support wildcard %. For example, if you enter 370% in Destination input then it will match all Destination numbers that start with 370. If you exclude % in Destination input then only exact number will be matched.
Destination Group input works in the same way - if you want to match Destination Groups by wildcard then you can use %. For example, if you enter Lithuania% then Destination Groups like Lithuania, Lithuania Mob, Lithuania Fix, etc., will be matched. Exclude % wildcard if you want exact match.
Group by
Filtered statictics need to be grouped by either Originator, Origination Point, Terminator, Termination Point, Destination Group, Destination or any combination of these parameters. At least one Group by parameter needs to be selected.
Other options allows you to choose what information should be shown.
- From User perspective – allows you to see real Calls situation and from User perspective. It is useful if your LCRs have more than one Provider. If some of the Providers in LCR are not reachable for one Call of User, you will get fewer Calls which are recorded in database.
- Use Real Billsec – check this option to show real Billsec instead of Duration of Call, will be shown .
- You are able to decide if Price, Billed Time should be shown for Originator and/or Terminator and other fields like Duration, Answered Calls, Total Calls, ACD, ASR, Profit.
Hidden users will not be shown in Originator and Terminator dropdowns, but when Any is selected, hidden users will be displayed in search results.
Go to REPORTS –> Aggregate –> Templates
Here you are able to set up your template.
Auto Export
Detailed explanation here: Aggregates Auto Export