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Flat-Rates means a service plan under which a Client can dial a number of minutes to certain Destinations for a fixed amount. After the user has used all his flat-rate minutes, all additional minutes are charged at the normal rate.


  1. Create a New Service with type: Flat-Rate.
  2. Set a Price for this Service and how many minutes User can chat for this price
  3. Create the Service by clicking the Create button.
  4. In the Services, window near the just-created service, click the Destinations icon.png icon.
  5. Add the Destinations to which this Service should be applied.
    1. Use Include/Exclude to create an exact list of the prefixes you want to use with this Service.
  6. Add Subscription to a user to use this Service.


  • Flat-Rates are rounded up to nearest minute. Example, if a call is 61 seconds, it is considered as 2 minutes under Flat-Rates.
  • Every month, the minutes available under Flat-Rate plans are reset to the initial value, which allows the client to use the same amount of minutes each new month. Unused minutes for the previous month for clients are lost.
  • A Service is applicable for a whole month - that is, the service cannot start/end in the middle in the month.
  • IMPORTANT: If a user is PREPAID, limit his calls to 1, because otherwise a loss is possible.


This video shows how to create a Flat-Rate Service Plan for Lithuanian FIX destinations starting with prefix 370 (excluding MOB numbers starting with prefix 3706):
