Custom development requirements
From Kolmisoft Wiki
These are the requirements in order your custom developed features would be integrated into main code base.
Legal requirements
In order we would add your custom developed features or bugfixes into our main code base - you must sign an agreement and send it us via email: Agreement can be downloaded here.
Other requirements
- The code must follow best practices defined here.
- The code must be well documented - every method must contain documentation what is does.
- The code (the whole directory /home/mor) must be compressed into archive:
tar czf mor_custom.tar.gz /home/mor
- The code must come with documentation in Microsoft Word/OpenOffice ir PDF format what developed feature does.
- All code and documentation has to be compresses into 1 archive, *.zip or *.tar.gz are preferred.
- When you have your feature developed - create a ticket for it in our support system and attach your compressed archive with all information there as attachment.