MOR API aggregate get
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MOR API for getting aggregate statistics.
Allowed users:
Reseller Pro
Accountant with Data->Stats permission
- MOR call: /api/aggregate_get
- Methods: POST, GET(if allowed, not recomended)
- u - username to login. Required.
- hash – SHA1 hash constructed using API Secret Key ( More described in Constructing hash). Required.
- from - Date from which queues log start. If not used, this parameter will be set to today's date 00:00:00. Date should be entered in Unix time stamp (Epoch) format.
- till - Date when queues log end. If not used, this parameter will be set to today's date 23:59:59. Date should be entered in Unix time stamp (Epoch) format.
- a_currency – currency code, by default usd.
- group_by_user – group by user possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_device – group by device possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_terminator – group by terminator possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_provider – group by termination point possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_dst_group – group by destination group possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_dst – group by destination possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_day – group by day possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_hour – group by hour possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_user_rate – group by user rate possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- group_by_provider_rate – group by provider rate possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
* NOTE by default grouped by originator, terminator and destination group
- s_originator_id – id of user.
- s_terminator_id – id of terminator.
- s_device – id of device.
- s_provider – id of provider.
- a_src – value for CallerID.
- a_dst – value for Destination.
- s_duration - value for Duration.
- dst_group – value for Destination Group.
- use_real_billsec – Possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- from_user_perspective - Possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- answered_calls - show aggregates when Answered Calls >= value.
- profit_show - Possible values [0,1]. (Default: 0).
- clid - CallerID number or name
If API Secret Key = secret
You send:
HTML POST: http://<SERVER IP>/billing/api/aggregate_get?u=admin&hash=e5e9fa1ba31ecd1ae84f75caaa474f3a663f05f4
* Note that username (u) is not included in the hash
<page> <aggregates> <aggregate> <billed_originator>0.00113</billed_originator> <billed_originator_with_tax>0.00113</billed_originator_with_tax> <billed_terminator>0.00113</billed_terminator> <billed_duration_originator>1</billed_duration_originator> <billed_duration_terminator>1</billed_duration_terminator> <duration>1</duration> <answered_calls>1</answered_calls> <total_calls>1</total_calls> <asr>100.0</asr> <acd>1</acd> <dst_group>Iran - Mobile</dst_group> <originator>Test User 127</originator> <originator_id>127</originator_id> <terminator>Test User 105</terminator> <terminator_id>105</terminator_id> </aggregate> <aggregate> <billed_originator>0.026934</billed_originator> <billed_originator_with_tax>0.026934</billed_originator_with_tax> <billed_terminator>0.069991</billed_terminator> <billed_duration_originator>101</billed_duration_originator> <billed_duration_terminator>300</billed_duration_terminator> <duration>101</duration> <answered_calls>5</answered_calls> <total_calls>6</total_calls> <asr>83.3333333333333333</asr> <acd>21</acd> <dst_group>Russia - Mobile TWO</dst_group> <originator>Test User 127</originator> <originator_id>127</originator_id> <terminator>Test User 108</terminator> <terminator_id>108</terminator_id> </aggregate> </aggregates> <totals> <billed_originator>34.3554</billed_originator> <billed_originator_with_tax>34.3554</billed_originator_with_tax> <billed_terminator>23.7526</billed_terminator> <billed_duration_originator>22604</billed_duration_originator> <billed_duration_terminator>25085</billed_duration_terminator> <duration>22604</duration> <answered_calls>134</answered_calls> <total_calls>226</total_calls> <asr>59.29</asr> <acd>168</acd> </totals> </page>
<status> <error>You are not authorized to use this functionality</error> </status>
<page> <status> <error>Access Denied</error> </status> </page>
<page> <status> <error>Device was not found</error> </status> </page>
<page> <status> <error> Terminator was not found</error> </status> </page>
<page> <status> <error> Provider was not found</error> </status> </page>
<page> <status> <error> User was not found</error> </status> </page>