Check server compatibility

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If you want to check the server if it is OK to install MOR/M4 on it, please do this:

yum install -y subversion
svn co /usr/src/mor

If you see RED errors/warnings, please take note.


OK             DNS settings: /usr/bin/resolveip
OK             Centos 6 present
FAILED         Server has 1873 MB of RAM. Consider adding more RAM for proper system functioning
OK             HDD DISK SPACE IN / dir OK
NOTICE         This host is running as: VMWARE virtual machine
NOTICE         VM detected, network full duplex test skipped
NOTICE         Checking network connectivity
OK             Network connectivity OK: ping -c 3
OK             Plesk not detected
OK             raid-check cron not present, good
OK             Hack check: /dev/saux not detected
OK             Hack check: /etc/ssh2 not detected
WARNING!       Asterisk is installed but is not running
NOTICE         MySQL is installed but is not running