MOR GUI Translation
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MOR is translated to following languages:
- English (KolmiSoft)
- Lithuanian (KolmiSoft)
- Spanish (Guillermo Salas M.(RazaMetaL)/Cesar Bermudez)
- Dutch (Pascal de Vos/Kay Reijnen)
- Italian (Giovanni Bosa)
- Albanian (Sokol Shehetila)
- Russian (ViPCall Network)
- Brazilian Portuguese (Fernando Soares)
- Estonian (Liivar Paas)
- Bulgarian (
- Swedish (VoIP Consult)
- German (Martin Melheritz)
- Armenian (Voipshop)
- French (Sébastien Keller)
- Polish (John)
- IRomanian (Andrei Ivanoiu)
- Turkish (Koko Kokov)
- Indonesian (Dedi Setiawan/
- Hungarian (John)
- Slovenian (Tom)
- Greek (Konstantinos Liadakis)
- Serbian (Alessandro Marzini and Ivex)
- Arabic (Amr Elgbaly)
- Macedonian (Ivo Trajkovski)
- Belarussian (Zhukov Oleg & Ko)
- Chinese (Steven Wang)
- Urde (Andrew T. Wells)
If you want to translate MOR to another language it's very easy:
- Download MOR package or even better request newest translation files from info@kolmisoft.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
- Find /lang directory
- Select en.rb file for English translation (if you know other allready translated language select appropriate file)
- Open that file in editor
- And translate according to following rule:
- Let's say we have line:
- 'answered_calls', 'Answered calls'
- So you need to translate only 'Answered calls'
- Let's say we are translating to Norwegian, so final line would be:
- 'answered_calls', 'Besvarte Anrop'
- Translate all remaining lines
- Make file UTF-8 standart
- And please send it to info@kolmisoft.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
In order to test you new translated file, you need to do following steps. Let's say you have translated language file to Russian. Then:
- Copy en.rb file to safe place
- Rename your file to en.rb.
- Copy it to /lang folder
- Restart apache and you should be able to test your translated file - it should become active when you choose English translation
Thank you for your contributions!