GUI does not open
Turn off iptables:
/etc/init.d/iptables stop
If it helps - fix iptables rules or uninstall iptables (not recommended).
How to fix iptables rules - check iptables manual or better - consult specialist.
DB settings
If you get such error - that means GUI cannot connect to DB.
Check /home/mor/config/database.yml and correct DB settings in [production] section.
Apache cannot start
Apache log /var/log/httpd/error_log shows:
No space left on device: mod_rewrite: could not create rewrite_log_lock Configuration Failed
Checking your disk shows that you have plenty of space. The problem is that apache didn't shut down properly, and it's left myriads of semaphore-arrays left, owned by my apache-user. Run:
ipcs -s | grep apache | perl -e 'while (<STDIN>) { @a=split(/\s+/); print `ipcrm sem $a[1]`}'
Restart Apache:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Reason for this problem: unknown
Errors in /tmp/mor_crash.log
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method...
Upgrade DB by running appropriate fix script.
Error 503 when opening GUI
After you perform upgrade on server, you get 503 error when opening GUI.
In server /var/log/httpd/error_log
You see a lot of:
[error] (13)Permission denied: mod_fcgid: couldn't bind unix domain socket /etc/httpd/logs/fcgidsock/8060.11
[warn] (13)Permission denied: mod_fcgid: spawn process /var/www/html/billing/dispatch.fcgi error
This means that permission are mixed up,solution:
chmod 555 /etc/httpd/logs (this is a symlink to /var/httpd/logs)