MOR and Trixbox

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As MOR and Trixbox (FreePBX) both use Asterisk Realtime and custom extensions - they can't work nicely on the same server.

In order to integrate Trixbox with MOR you need to connect in following way:

Trixbox small.png

Connection diagram

As an example we will configure one phone dialing. Phone is connected to Trixbox which is connected to MOR:

Trixbox2 small.png

Here for simplicity all devices are in same LAN:

  • MOR server has IP:
  • Trixbox:
  • Phone:

MOR and Trixbox are connected with following settings:

  • username: mor_trixbox
  • password: mor_trixbox_psw

And phone to Trixbox is connected with:

  • username: 201
  • password: 201psw

Trixbox configuration for phone

Lets connect phone to Trixbox. In FreePBX create Extension for 201 phone:


MOR configuration for Trixbox

We need to create connection between MOR and Trixbox. In this example we will configure MOR using SIP.

We need to create user for Trixbox - pbx_user, put any details for it - it does not matter:


Now we need to configure device for Trixbox:


Main settings are:


  • Mark this device as Trunk with ANI support
  • Username (by example): mor_trixbox
  • Password: mor_trixbox_psw
  • Host:
  • Make sure Dynamic? is unchecked and port is 5060 (for SIP)

MOR configuration for phone

To correctly bill phone calls you need to create separate user and device for it on MOR.

First let's create user for phone (phone_user):


Make sure you configure this user correctly - e.g. enter password/LCR/Tariff and other necessary details - this user will be used for real dialing out.

Then we need to create virtual device for our phone:


All settings for this device are not important at all. Just make sure you have good password for security.

Configuring more phones