MOR API invoices get
From Kolmisoft Wiki
MOR API Retrieves a list of invoices in the selected time period.
If a user has 'admin' rights, he will get ALL invoices from the selected period. If a user has 'accountant' rights and can see only assigned users, he will get only assigned users invoices from the selected period. If user has 'user' rights, he will get only HIS invoices from the selected period.
- From MOR X4 call: /api/invoices_get
- For Backwards-compatibility old name 'invoices' is also usable. Call: /api/invoices
- Methods: POST, GET(if allowed, not recomended)
- u - username username of user which can view invoices.
- from/till - time period for invoices in Unix Epoch Time format. Invoice's period start should be >= from and period end <= till.
- can help to convert time for testing.
- lang - choose the language in which you want to get invoice details (mainly 'Calls').
HTML POST: http://<SERVER IP>/billing/api/invoices_get?u=username&from=1188604800&till=1191196799&lang=en
<Invoices from="2019-05-01" till="2019-05-31"> <Invoice user_id="2" agreementnumber="" clientid="" number="INV1905011"> <id>5</id> <paid>0</paid> <Product> <Name>Test_periodic_service - 1</Name> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Price>10.0000</Price> <Discount>0.0000</Discount> <Sum>10.0000</Sum> <Date_added/> <Issue_date>2019-06-27</Issue_date>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <status> <error>Incorrect hash</error> </status>
<Error>user not found</Error>
<Error>no invoices found</Error>