Insert calls from reserved server into production system
Main condition of this manual is that reserved server contains calls that are missing in production system. VERY IMPORTANT! Mysql knowledge is needed to complete this task. If you do not understand how to use these queries, do not use them as incorrect use can damage system.
In Reserved Server
1. Log in into mysql:
mysql -u mor -pmor
2. Create temp_calls table with same columns as calls table:
create table temp_calls like calls;
3. Insert required calls into temp_calls table. In example below we will copy calls that are Answered and their Call date is between 2018-01-01 and 2018-01-31.
insert into temp_calls select * from calls where disposition = 'ANSWERED' and calldate between "2018-01-01 00:00:00" and "2018-01-31 23:59:59";
4. Main problem of copying calls from one server to another is that calls will have same ID. That is why ID must be removed:
alter table temp_calls drop column id;
5. Make dump of temp_calls table.
mysqldump -u mor -pmor --single-transaction mor temp_calls --complete-insert --skip-triggers --compact -t >/home/2018_CALLS_ONLY.sql
6. Now created file must be configured. Open file with text editor.
6.1 Replace temp_calls with calls. It can be done using vi editor. Open file with vi:
vi 2018_CALLS_ONLY>sql
Press ESC and enter :%s/temp_calls/calls/g Save the file.
6.2 Remove all information instead of INSERT INTO `calls` VALUES.
6.3 In result, your file will look like in example below. Please note that in your case file will be much more longer as example contains only 1 call record.
INSERT INTO `calls` VALUES ('2019-01-15 02:01:06','\"91525\" <31555555555>','31555555555','08855555555',,'SIP/91525-00007070',,,,11,8,'ANSWERED',0,'2199','15475555555.33543',,2199,0,0,0,0,7,0.006,8,0.0008,1266,0.0184,8, 0.032453,341,0.0153,8,0.01204,0,0,0,0,'3188',1,16,'Outside',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0, '31555555555',0,0,'111.222.333.444','',10.293,7.931,8,0)
7. Transfer file to Production server.
In production system
1. Import your calls from Reserved server. As there are no ID field, mysql will create new ID for each call.
mysql </path/to/2018_CALLS_ONLY.sql
2. Now calls must be re-synced. More information here