I have a problem with Auto Dialer
Calls are not going
Disabled in config file
Check /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/mor.conf
Make execute_call_files = 1
Start your Campaign.
Call files in /tmp folder
Check /tmp folder. If you see call files here, that means that mv (move) operation failed and AD script was unsuccessful moving these files to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
Do: chmod 777 -R /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
And rerun your campaign.
Spool folder with symlink
Make sure folder /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing has no symlinks in it.
If it does - create normal folder and restart Asterisk.
Please create device for campaign
If you get this error when you are creating an Autodialer campaign - that means that admin user does not have a device.
Create a new device for admin and you will be able to create a compaign.
Auto-Dialer: ERROR! No actions found
Edit file /usr/src/mor/mor_ad/app/mor_ad_cron.c, change
Execute /usr/src/mor/mor_ad/app/install.sh
cp /usr/src/mor/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron /home/mor_ad/
Call failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing
Sometimes comes together with:
Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to CHANNEL_NAME Queued call to CHANNEL_NAME expired without completion after 0 attempts
Too much calls at the same time. Server cannot cope. Decrease your settings in mor.conf file for AD.
Also turning logs off will help a lot (sometimex x3!) More info: MOR Server Speedup