Spy real-time calls
This functionality is a part of Monitorings Addon and is used to spy user's real-time calls. This functionality allows call-center managers to assess their employees work. It is also used in prisons where such functionality is also necessary.
MOR user's which are allowed to use this functionality:
- Admin
- Reseller (active calls must be enabled for resellers)
This feature is available from MOR 11
How this functionality works?
1. The manager selects a device where he will receive calls from the system when he wants to spy his user (this has to be done only once).
2. Manager configures his phone to be able to answer it.
3. Manager goes to active calls and presses a Spy icon on a desired call:
4. MOR system sends a call to a device set in step 1.
5. Manager answer's the call from the system and is able only to listen.
Manager account setup to enable this functionality
1. Go to reseller's or admin's user settings
2. Select a desired device where you want the system to send a call being spied:
What is needed to use this feature?
- System must have Monitorings Addon
- A spied device cannot have recordings enabled at the same time. If this condition is not met - you will not be able to spy this device.
- System must have Monitorings Addon
- Active calls must be enabled for resellers
- A spied device cannot have recordings enabled at the same time. If this condition is not met - you will not be able to spy this device.
Other setttings
When spying you can press # to increase/decrease sound volume.
Available sound levels:
1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0(default)
-4 - is the quietest
4 - is the loudest