Block user at selected date

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Revision as of 13:53, 12 January 2009 by Mindaugas (talk | contribs)
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This functionality is available from MOR 0.8

Unconditional blocking

Block at.png

This option sets the date when user should be blocked.

If date is in the past - this option is not active.

Block check is done every night at 00:00:00.

NOTE #1: if you want to block user in the future - set this date in Block at BUT do not mark this user as Blocked (if you do so - it will be blocked instantly). System will mark user as Blocked at your selected date.

NOTE #2: If you want to block user today - just mark it as Blocked - DO NOT enter today's date into Block at field - system will not block it if you do so, because it will not check until tomorrow 00:00:00.

Conditional blocking

Block at conditional.png

Under this option select day of the month when to perform check.

On this day this user is checked:

  • Is he POSTPAID
  • His BALANCE < 0

If all conditions are met - this user is blocked.