What is didx.net
DIDX (DIDXchange) is a place where VOIP companies buy and sell DID (Direct Inward Dialing) phone numbers.
How to configure a DID purchased from didx.net to work with MOR?
1. Go to purchased DIDs:
2. Then select a DID for edit:
3. Select "New SIP"
In this field you have to enter your DID and server address with the following syntax: DID@example.com
For example:
You have purchased a DID: 37068111888 Your MOR server address is:
Then you have to put in this field:
Don't forget to press the update button!
4. Now login to MOR GUI and go to SETTINGS - Billing -> DIDs
5. Now create a new DID and leave it free at the moment. To create a DID press the marked icon:
6. Now go back to DIDs list: SETTINGS - Billing -> DIDs
7. Edit the DID you created:
8. Select a user you want to reserve a DID for:
9. Reserve the DID for a user - press the marked button:
10. Now you have to select the device you configured earlier with callflow, in this case it will be SIP/1001:
11. Save the changes by pressing the marked button:
That's all