MOR API tariff rates get
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MOR API Tariff rates
- Call: /api/tariff_rates_get
- For Backwards-compatibility old name 'get_tariff' is also usable. Call: /api/get_tariff
- Methods: POST, GET(if allowed, not recomended)
- u - username for authentication. Required.
- tariff_id - user tariff id (option for admin or reseller). If not sent, user gets his tariff rates and custom rates.
- user_id - this specifies user id whose custom rates and tariffs to show. When sending user_id parameter tariff_id parameter is ignored.
- hash - SHA1 hash constructed using tariff_id and/or user_id and API_Secret_Key ( More described in Constructing hash). Required.
We have API Secret Key = 456789, tariff_id = 100
We send:
HTML POST: http://<SERVER_IP>/billing/api/get_tariff?u=admin&p=admin&tariff_id=100&hash=71516eea4850f7e0300ac86adf9fb64bca845aa7
* Note that username and password are not included in hash Returning XML is put in file. That file is gziped and returned as a response content.
Please note that admin can retrieve any tariff, reseller - only users' tariffs and the one assigned to him by admin and user can only retrieve to his own tariff.
- Retail:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <pagename> Tariff </pagename> <tariff_name> tariff name </tariff_name> <purpose> tariff type </purpose> <currency> currency </currency> <rates> <destination> <destination_group_name> name </destination_group_name> <destination_group_type> destination type </destination_group_type> <rate> <duration> duration </duration> <type> type </type> <round_by> round by </round_by> <tariff_rate> rate </tariff_rate> <start_time> start time </start_time> <end_time> end time </end_time> <from> from </from> <daytype> daytype </daytype> </rate> </destination> </rates> </page>
- Wholesale:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <pagename> Tariff </pagename> <tariff_name> tariff name </tariff_name> <purpose> tariff type </purpose> <currency> currency </currency> <rates> <rate> <direction> direction </direction> <destination> destination </destination> <prefix> prefix </prefix> <subcode> subcode </subcode> < code> code <tariff_rate> rate </tariff_rate> <con_fee> connection fee </con_fee> <increment> increment </increment> <min_time> minimal time </min_time> <start_time> start time </start_time> <end_time> end time </end_time> <daytype> daytype </daytype> </rate> </rates> </page>
- Tariff was not found.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <status> <error>No tariff found</error> </status> </page>
- User was not found by username and password. Use correct username and password. Make sure that username (u) and password (p) are specified.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <status> <error>Bad login</error> </status> </page>
- Hash was not correct. Check API_Secret_Key and order or params while concatenating hash_string.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <status> <error>Incorrect hash</error> </status>