Call Routing by price
LCR by price routes the calls using the cheapest routes.
To set this feature go to SETTINGS –> Billing –> LCR
Press New LCR to create new LCR or click on
icon on existing LCR and set the order type of price.
Advanced Options
Do not use next available provider if the price is higher than x%
Use this feature when you do not want to use a provider when the price between the cheapest and next available provider is higher when x %. The call will simply fail if no other providers meet the requirement.
Tu set percent limit go to SETTINGS –> Billing –> LCR
and click icon on existing LCR by price and enter the desired percent for call price difference:
Example 1
Provider A has a price of 0.10€ and provider B 0.11€ and we set x=20%
so if call can´t be establish by provider A then system will try with provider B (0.11<0.10+20%)
Example 2
Povider A has a price of 0.10€ and provider B 0.30€ and we set x=20%
so if call can´t be establish by provider A then the system wil NOT try with provider B
Hangup Cause Code
When Provider is skipped, HGC 235 is shown.