M4 DIDs Bulk Update from CSV

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M4 DIDs Bulk Update from CSV functionality applies to CHANGE, DELETE, and CLOSE SUBSCRIPTION actions.

CSV file structure

The CSV file consists of DID numbers separated by a new line. An example file is provided below.

M4 dids bulk update file structure.png


Select the Bulk Action you want to apply. Possible actions: CHANGE, DELETE, and CLOSE SUBSCRIPTION.

Uploading the CSV file takes place on the DIDs inventory page. Select Bulk Edit, in the opened Bulk Edit menu press the browse button next to the file upload box.

M4 dids bulk update select file.png

After selecting the file, press Apply Changes.
In case of success, the analysis page opens.

M4 dids bulk update analysis.png

The analysis results can be filtered according to the Refine results found in the DID, Status and Reason filters.

M4 dids bulk update analysis refine reults.png