Tariff Conversion - Voicetrading EUR
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Voicetrading EUR rates can be accessed any time from these links:
- https://www.voicetrading.com/public/download/ratelist_grey.xls
- https://www.voicetrading.com/public/download/ratelist_std.xls
- https://www.voicetrading.com/public/download/ratelist_prem.xls
Format is XLS, actual rates are in the second sheet.
To get Voicetrading EUR rates in the CSV format send email to tariffconverter@gmail.com with Subject: voicetrading
You will receive email with RAR archive attachment with 3 CSV files for each tariff (GREY, STANDARD and PREMIUM)
CSV looks like this:
Voicetrading tariffs are retrieved and converted every hour so you could get the most actual rates.
CSV files are very easy to import into MOR/M2.
Let us know if you have additional suggestions how to improve this service.