MOR API subscription delete
From Kolmisoft Wiki
MOR API Delete subscription
- Call: /api/subscription_delete
- Methods: POST, GET(if allowed, not recomended)
Parameters which are included into hash:
- subscription_id - ID of Subscription you want to delete. Required.
- subscription_delete_action - number of action that you wish to choose. Numbers meaning: 1 - Delete without money return, 2 - Disable Subscriptions, 3 - Delete with whole money return. Required.
Parameters which are not included into hash:
- hash - SHA1 hash constructed using API_Secret_Key ( More described in Constructing hash). Required.
- u - username for authentication. Required.
We have subscription_id = 123, API Secret Key = 456789 and we want to Subscription to be deleted with whole money return.
We send:
HTML POST: http://<SERVER_IP>/billing/api/subscription_delete?u=username&subscription_id=123&subscription_delete_action=3&hash=e0f93111f867ca5d424c0f0ebb6b678159086d00
* Note that username are not included in hash
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <status> <success>Subscription deleted and money returned</success> </status> </page>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <status> <success>Subscription disabled</success> </status> </page>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <page> <status> <success>Subscription deleted</success> </status> </page>
- <error>Access Denied</error> - Person trying to delete Subscription does not exist or his user type is User.
- <error>You are not authorised to use this functionality</error> - Person trying to delete subscription does not have Manage Subscription permission.
- <error>Incorrect hash</error> - Hash was not correct. Check API_Secret_Key and order or params while concatenating hash_string.
- <error>Subscription disabled</error> - Subscription was successfully disabled.
- <error>Subscription was not found</error> - Subscription with specified subscription_id was not found.
- <error>Subscription delete action was not found</error> - Specified subscription_delete_action was not found should be in (1,2,3).