Testing MOR PRO installation

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Login to the system

Go to the GUI: http://<my-ip-address>/billing

And login as: admin/admin

Configuration file

Go to /home/mor/config/environment.rb

  • Web_URL - enter correct URL where MOR GUI can be reached, e.g.
    • Do not leave - it's bad value, enter real IP by which you access GUI
  • Recordings_Folder - enter correct URL where recordings can be reached (they can be on different server, e.g.
  • Addons - enable addons if you purchased them. Note - enabling them when they are not installed will mess your GUI

Restart Apache:

If you have Debian:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Or Centos/Fedora:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart


Go to and make sure page is displayed correctly:

  • SETUP - Settings - Save changes (press on it)
  • SETUP - Settings - Logo <--- change logo to something else, change back to make sure it works
  • SETTINGS-Users-Devices - create new device/delete device
  • SETTINGS - Accounting - Invoices - Generate...
  • SETTINGS - Setup - PBX-Functions - VoiceMail - SAVE (press it)
  • STATISTICS - Call - Graphs
  • SETTINGS - Users - Recordings - Show

Register new user over GUI (registration from login page), enter your email and check after registration if you received it


In Asterisk CLI:

realtime mysql status

Should show something like:

Connected to mor@, port 3306 with username mor for 4 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes, 29 seconds.

If you see this:

ERROR[8898]: res_config_mysql.c:637 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Ping failed (2006).  Trying an explicit reconnect.

That's ok. It means connection to MySQL timed out, but connection is reestablished. Try previous command and result should be ok.

Activation test

Configure softphone with following settings: 101/101 and call any number, let's say 123456789. On the CLI normal call process should be visible. If MOR tells, that "MOR is not authorized to work on this computer" - that means there are problems with serial.

Or in Asterisk CLI write:

module unload app_mor.so
module load app_mor.so

It should say somethign similar:

[Dec 10 08:49:27] NOTICE[19319]: app_mor.c:4050 load_module: MOR PRO is authorized to work on this computer.
Loaded app_mor.so => (MOR Billing Solution v0.5.0.6)

This means everything is ok.


In Asterisk CLI:

show translation

Should show g723 and g729 installed:

If g723 and g729 lines look like this:

g723    -   -    -    -        -     -    -     -    -     -    -    -    -
g729    -   -    -    -        -     -    -     -    -     -    -    -    -

Then - install g723/g729 codecs.


Skip this section if you do not have Auto-Dialer addon.

Enable crontab logs:

/etc/syslog.conf uncomment cron.*


/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart

Change editor from vi to some usable one:

In file /root/.bashrc at the end add: export EDITOR='mcedit'

Relogin to root account for this change to take effect.


crontab -e

In the file's end add:

*/5 * * * * /home/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron >> /home/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron.log

Make sure you pressed ENTER after this line!!! If you don't it will not work.


It is used to send faxes.

Write in bash to test:


You should see:

mime-construct: no recipients specified

If you see something else - reinstall mime-construct


In Asterisk CLI:

module show like fax

It should show:

CLI> module show like fax
Module                         Description                              Use Count
app_nv_faxdetect.so            NV Fax Detection Application             0
app_rxfax.so                   Trivial FAX Receive Application          0
app_txfax.so                   Trivial FAX Transmit Application         0
3 modules loaded

Go to device's 102 settings and change fax email to yours.

Register your softphone with settings 101/101 (if you can't make sure you opened necessary ports.

Using your softphone dial *9901 - you should get email with test fax attached as PDF.

Go to:

  • STATISTICS-VARIOUS-FAXES - press on PDF - should open your received fax


Call *97, you should hear: Comedian Mail Mailbooox...


In Asterisk CLI:

module show like h323

WEB Callback

Login as user 101: (101/101)

Go to PERSONAL MENU - Various - Callback and enter any numbers, press Execute. On Asterisk CLI you should see:

-- Attempting call on Local/21233@mor_cb_src/n for 23234@mor_cb_dst:1 (Retry 1)
-- Executing [21233@mor_cb_src:1] NoOp("Local/21233@mor_cb_src-18d8,2", "MOR CB calls src!") in new stack

Possible errors:

Errno::EACCES (Permission denied - /tmp/mor_cf_xxxx or /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/mor_cf_xxxx)
A Errno::EXDEV occurred in functions#activate_callback:

Fix it.

No action on Asterisk CLI - enter correct AMI settings in MOR GUI Settings - AMI Interface

Crontab for Auto-Dialer

Skip this section if you do not have Auto-Dialer addon.

Check /home/mor_ad/mor_ad_cron.log, you should see something like this:

2007-12-07 00:01:53 - Start of MOR Auto-Dialer Cron script.
DB config. Host: localhost, DB name: mor, user: mor, psw: mor, port: 3306.
Successfully connected to database.
No campaigns found active this time: 00:01:53
Total campaigns retrieved: 0

For multi-server systems

Configure AMI connections

On Asterisk servers configure /etc/asterisk/manager.conf to allow GUI server to connect to Asterisk servers over AMI

secret = morsecret
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

NOTE: is EXAMPLE IP - put correct one in your system.

Enter Asterisk servers into GUI interface

Enter correct settings to allow GUI to manage Asterisk servers over AMI