M4 API user balance update

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MOR API for user balance update. This method increases/decreases users' balance with a specified amount of money.


  • For Backwards-compatibility old name 'user_balance_change' is also usable. Call: /api/user_balance_change OR /api/user_balance_update
  • Methods: POST, GET(if allowed, not recomended)


Parameters which are included into hash:

  • user_id - Users ID in the M4 database, whose balance we want to change. Required.
  • balance - new user balance. Required.

Note that parameters are shown in the same order as they have to be when generating the hash. The last parameter in a row is API_Secret_Key

Parameters which are not included into hash:

  • hash - SHA1 hash constructed using parameters above and API_Secret_Key ( More described in Constructing hash). Required.
  • u - username to log in. Required. (The user which changes balance: admin/reseller, not the user himself!)


We have user_id = 123, API Secret Key = 456789, balance = 100

HTML POST: http://<SERVER IP>/billing/api/user_balance_update?u=username&user_id=123&balance=100&hash=b1bef44691c237b574263e09b2838ad1e658e507

* Note that username and password are not included in hash



    <status>User balance updated</status>
      <username> username </username>
      <id> user_id </id>
      <balance> new balance </balance>


User was not found using user_id. Use the correct user_id.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>User was not found</error>

Hash was not correct. Check API_Secret_Key and order or params while concatenating hash_string.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>Incorrect hash</error>

The user is not logged in to the system. Check username and password.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>Bad login</error>

Params balance is not correct or the user is not saved. Check balance param.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>User balance not updated</error>

Additional notes

  • If the balance is changed during the call, the price for the call will be deducted from the new balance, because the balance is deducted at the end of the call.

See also