SMS Addon - provider api configuration

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This manual shows how to configure SMS sending through MOR with SMS Addon with Clickatell.

Go to ADDONS block -> SMS -> Providers and select Provider Type: API. You will see this window:

Sms apiprovider.png

API string here:<%= DST %>&src=<%= CALLERID %>&text=<%= MSG %>&from_name=<%= USRLASTNAME %>

NOTE: Only GET method is supported.

Fill in the fields. Above is an example of correctly filled in fields.


You can use variables :

  • DST - MOR will put destination number.
  • MSG - MOR will put sms message.
  • USRFIRSTNAME - MOR will put user first name.
  • USRLASTNAME - MOR will put user last name.
  • CALLERID - MOR will put user primary device callerID.
  • SRC - this variable is only used if you use current MOR server as Provider. Because when you send SMS from MOR API you use parameter src to set who is sender.

MOR SMS variables must be put in '<%= %>' string. Example : <%= DST %>

Good keywords

We check SMS providers response for Good keywords. If we have found, sms will be charged.

If Good keywords are set and in providers response not found the keywords sms status set to :

  • 6 - failed, api returns no good keywords.

SMS over API for resellers

Reseller can use send_sms API function with his own (not admin's) API key. Reseller can't send SMS over API if there is an incopatibility with hash and he has to be subscribed by admin for this functionality.