Provider Deviations

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What is a Provider Deviation?

Provider Deviation is a Provider quality measure used by MOR. It indicates how much each active Provider in an LCR deviates from a specific reference Provider in the same LCR. This deviation is computed for ACD and ASR values and is measured in percent.

Provider Deviation Observers

Since X10 MOR offers a Monitorings Addon tool for periodic monitoring of Provider Quality Deviations. The tool is named Provider Deviation Observers. The functionality can be used by the System Admin and Accountants with a Provider Deviations permission. Provider Deviation Observers is found in the System Admin's menu under the ADDONS -> Monitorings -> Provider Deviations or in the Accountant's menu under the Addons section.

MOR LCR Observer menu.png

Creating a new Observer

In a Provider Observers list it is possible to create a new Observer, edit an existing one, and check a current deviation status (the bar chart icon). The list table indicates an Observer ID, an observed LCR, a reference Provider, tolerated ASR and ACD deviations together with options for managing how often this deviation check is run.
Note: Responsible Accountant can only view and edit those Provider Deviation Observers which are reported to Users this Accountant is responsible for.

MOR LCR Observer list.png

A new Observer is created by clickg the Add new Provider Deviation Observer link and filling in the information in a newly opened form:

MOR LCR Observer new.png

The form requires the following data:

  • LCR - an LCR which is observed. Can only be chosen when the order is by percent.
  • Main Provider - a reference or Main Provider which all the other Providers are compared to. Can only be selected from a chosen LCR and must be active and non-hidden.
  • ASR/ACD deviation - how many percent the deviation is allowed to increase in a negative direction from the Main Provider's ASR and ACD values. Note: only non-negative values are allowed.
  • Check every - how often the deviation check is run (every n-th minute). Note: only positive values are allowed.
  • Check last - how many minutes ago from now the ASR and ACD values are computed for. Note: only positive values are allowed.
  • Report to - a User that receives a warning Email (must have a valid email address and must not be blocked).
  • Email - Email Template to be sent. Note: the following parameters can be used in this Template: lcr_name, lcr_id, provider_name (Main Provider), asr_deviation, acd_deviation (tolerated ASR and ACD deviations), changed_providers (comma separated list of Providers that have changed) (see more: Email variables).

Observing deviations

Current deviation status for an Observer can be reached from the Observers list:

MOR LCR Observer details.png

In the newly opened page the Provider Deviations Observer setup table shows the current configuration of an Observer together with real-time ASR and ACD values for the Main Provider.
Note: when the ASR and/or ACD values for the Main Provider are zero, the deviation values for the other Providers are undefined and thus marked as zero.
The Provider Deviations in realation to the Main Provider table shows how each Provider in the LCR deviates from the Main Provider. A red cell indicates an intolerated negative deviation and results in a warning icon near the Provider name.


  • This deviation is checked periodically and emails are sent only when any of the Providers' deviation status changes from WARNING to OK or the other way around.
  • When an LCR an Observer exists for is deleted, the Observer is deleted as well.
  • When order of the LCR an Observer exists for is changed from percent to anything else, an Observer remains inactive.
  • When the Main Provider is deleted, hidden or set as inactive, an Observer status cannot be viewed and no warnings are sent until a new Provider is selected.

See also