Free hard disk space

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Revision as of 10:56, 9 November 2016 by Nerijuss (talk | contribs)
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Check disk usage

To check how many free space is available on your server put this command into terminal:

df -h

Put this command into terminal to check biggest files in system:

du -k | sort -n | perl -ne 'if ( /(\d+)\s+(.*$)/){$l=log($1+.1);$m=int($l/log(1024)); printf ("%6.1f\t%s\t%25s %s\n",($1/(2**(10*$m))),(("K","M","G","T","P")[$m]),"*"x (1.5*$l),$2);}'

If you find that most space is taken by /var/lib/mysql/mor/calls.idb, it means means that most space is used by CDRs. Solution is to start using Archived calls functionality with option to export to TGZ files or with option to delete old CDRs instead of archiving them. Please note that some extra space will be needed to create TGZ archives.


Possible location on system created by mor which can use a lot of space:
1. Recordings files are stored in this directory:

cd /var/spool/asterisk/monitor 

2. Log files are stored:


3. Here are stored backups made from MOR GUI.

cd /usr/local/mor/backups

It is recommended to keep on server 3 backups
Do not allow to create backup when disk space is less when 10%

4. CSV files are stored here:

cd /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/

5. MOR GUI logs:

cd /home/mor/log

What to do if free space not recovered after deleting the file

It might happen if file was opened at the moment you deleted it. Solution is to find that service and restart it.

To find service which keeps file opened:

# lsof +L1 | grep deleted
mysqld_sa 1798  root  txt    REG  253,0      938736     0   37397 /bin/bash (deleted)
safe_aste 3349  root  txt    REG  253,0      938736     0   37397 /bin/bash (deleted)
asterisk  3354  root   12w   REG  253,0 31431421481     0  669511 /var/log/asterisk/messages (deleted)

This output example shows that /var/log/asterisk/messages was deleted, but still in use by "asterisk" and taking 31431421481 bytes (almost 30GB).

To restart that service:

services asterisk restart