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What is didx.net

DIDX (DIDXchange) is where Internet protocol communications companies buy and sell DID (Direct Inward Dialing) phone numbers.

How to configure a DID purchased from didx.net to work with MOR?

1. Go to purchased DIDs:

Didx purchased dids.png

2. Then select a DID for edit:

Didx edit purchased did.png

3. Select "New SIP"

In this field you have to enter your DID and server address with the following syntax: DID@example.com

For example:

You have purchased a DID: 37068111888 Your MOR server address is:

Then you have to put in this field:


Don't forget to press the update button!

Didx purchased dids addr did.png

4. Now login to MOR GUI and go to SETTINGS - Billing -> DIDs

Did path.png

5. Now create a new DID and leave it free at the moment. To create a DID press the marked icon:

Dids new did.png

6. Now go to SETTINGS - Users:

Users path.png

7. Select the marked icon (you must select the correct icon from the column which represents the user you want to assign DID to):

Users device.png

8. Select the marked icon for an appropriate device:

101 devices call flow sip.png

9. Select the marked icon:

Callflow before call edit.png

10. Click the marked triangle and select the option "Forward":

Callflow edit triangle.png

11. Click the marked icon:

Callflow forward click tick.png

12. Click the marked radio button on the left and enter destination number where the call will be sent when it comes to this device.

Call flow forward edit.png

to be continued..