Change default passwords

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Its really not important to change Database password as by default only local connections are accepted (for root and mor users).

MOR DB password

After MOR installation you need to change MySQL passwords for root (which is empty) and for mor (which is 'mor').

First, execute the following command in Bash:

mysql -u mor –pmor

you should be now in MySql management console. Type in the following command:

SET PASSWORD FOR 'mor'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('NewPassword');

Where NewPassword – is your new password for mor DB.

next type “quit” and test new DB password using command:

mysql -u mor -pNewPassword

Applying new DB password

Next you need to change password in following places:

/home/mor/config/database.yml (if you have password with symbols like ! , make sure you leave your password in quotes. For example "my*!@Password^"

Asterisk Manager Password

Change the password for user mor in

secret = NEW_PSW_HERE
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

In MOR GUI go to Billing - Servers and change manager password for appropriate server. After that - reload Asterisk.


Restart Asterisk:

/etc/init.d/asterisk restart

And Apache:


/etc/init.d/apache2 restart


/etc/init.d/httpd restart

Test new DB password

Test it in bash using command:

mysql -u mor -pPASSWORD

Where PASSWORD is your new password.

MOR GUI password

  • Change from admin/admin to more secure
  • Also change psw for user 101

Change DB

If you want to change DB name from mor to another one, make sure to edit /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf and change mor to your new DB name.