Calling Card management

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In this window, you can manage all Cards which belong to the Calling card group. All fields are self-explanatory.

Card Creation

Cards for the Calling Card Group can be generated or imported from CSV file.

Generating Cards

Add cards – opens the window where you can add additional Cards to the Card Group:

Cards add.png

In this window, you should enter the Card's start and end numbers. They will form an interval which will be created. If any Card of the same number exists, the old Card will remain and a new one will not be created.

The card's PIN number is created automatically – it's random and unique. It is wise to keep its length not small to avoid cheating by users who may guess a short PIN number.

Export Cards to CSV file

When you want to print Cards on plastic/paper, you need to provide the necessary information for the Card Printing service.

This could be done using a CSV file. Clicking on the Icon csv.png icon lets you download all Card information in one file.

You can process this file later in MS Excel or other compatible software. Use the correct format for your Card manufacturer and send it to him.

The CSV file fields are:

  • Number
  • PIN
  • Balance
  • Sold
  • First_use
  • Daily_charge_paid_till

You can delete unnecessary fields and make it look as you need.

Card batch management

To manage cards in groups, you need to use Icon batch.png Batch Management:

Cards batch management.png