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Accounting in MOR is implemented to keep track of all payment activity. Also it is possible to create various services make subscriptions for them and generate invoices for the clients.


Service is product which can be sold to the client. That can be various types of services. For example:

  • Monthly fee
  • Line rent
  • Phone rent
  • Internet plan

You can create unlimited number of Services. All of them can be found in SETTINGS – Accounting – Services:

Services list.png

Service types

  • Periodic fee per month - user is charged every month for this service
  • One time fee - user is charged only once for this service
  • Flat-Rates - user is charged every month for this service and can dial some amount of minutes to some destinations


Users can subscribe for some services. When they do so – they get Subscription for some service. Subscriptions for the services can be found for each user in Users main window by pressing icon Icon subscriptions.png for some selected user:

Subscriptions list.png

Subscription can have some Memo (if you sell DID for example – you can write it's number here). Also it has important fields – Activation start and Activation end. This data interval will be billed in invoice. E.g. date before and after of this interval will not be billed.

You can add/edit/delete subscriptions for user.

It is not recommended to delete them – otherwise user will not be billed for that subscription. If user stops using this service – make Activation end value to the date when he does it.

NOTE: service is billed from Activation Start till Activation End. And from invoice period start till end. Time period which fits in both previous periods is actual period which will be billed.

Subscription calculation

Subscriptions are calculated by following rules:

  • When Subscription is assigned to Prepaid user - price for first month is deducted from its balance instantly
    • If Prepaid user does not have enough balance to cover this subscription - subscription fails
  • When Subscription is assigned to Postpaid user - no changes are made to his balance instantly

Every month day 1, 00:00:00 action is executed which does such calculations:

  • For Prepaid users balance subtracts price for Subscription for this new month
    • If Prepaid users balance becomes negative - this user is blocked and receive notification email
  • For Postpaid users balance subtracts price for Subscription for previous month

Every month at first day 00:00:00 MOR counts prices for all subscriptions foll