MOR API user details get

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MOR API user details

Admin – can get any user details
Reseller – can get his and his users details.
User – can get his own details.


  • From MOR X4 call: /api/user_details_get
  • For Backwards-compatibility old name 'user_details' is also usable. Call: /api/user_details
  • Methods: POST, GET(if allowed, not recomended)


Parameters which are included into hash:

  • user_id - Users ID in MOR database. Required if username is not used. Type: INTEGER
  • username - Users Username in MOR database. Required if user_id is not used.

You are able to use these parameter one by one or both at a time. If you use them both at a time note that parameters are shown in the same order as they have to be when generating the hash. Last parameter in a row is API_Secret_Key

Parameters which are not included into hash:

  • hash - SHA1 hash constructed using parameters which are listed above. You are able to use these parameter one by one or both at a time. If you use them both at a time note that parameters are shown in the same order as they have to be when generating the hash. Last parameter in a row is API_Secret_Key ( More described in Constructing hash). Required.
  • u - username for authentication. Required.


We have user_id = 123, API Secret Key = 456789

We send:

HTML POST: http://<server_ip>/billing/api/user_details_get?u=username&user_id=123&hash=f7c3bc1d808e04732adf679965ccc34ca7ae3441

We have username = username, API Secret Key = 456789

We send:

HTML POST: http://<server_ip>/billing/api/user_details_get?u=username&username=username&hash=f7c3bc1d808e04732adf679965ccc34ca7ae3441

We have user_id = 123, username = username, API Secret Key = 456789

We send:

HTML POST: http://<server_ip>/billing/api/user_details_get?u=username&user_id=123&username=username&hash=f7c3bc1d808e04732adf679965ccc34ca7ae3441

* Note that username and password are not included in hash



 <userid> user id </userid>
     <balance> balance and currency </balance>
     <balance_number> balance </balance_number> 
     <balance_currency> currency </balance_currency>
     <daily_balance_limit> limit </daily_balance_limit>
     <credit> credit </credit>
     <pbx_pool_id> id </pbx_pool_id>
     <hide_non_answered_calls> 0 - off/1 - on </hide_non_answered_calls>
     <blocked>0 - NOT blocked/1 - blocked</blocked>
     <hidden>0 - NOT hidden/1 - hidden</hidden>
     <username> username </username>
     <first_name> first name </first_name>
     <surname> last name </surname>
     <agreement_number> </agreement_number>
     <agreement_date> </agreement_date>
     <taxation_country> </taxation_country>
     <vat_reg_number> </vat_reg_number>
     <vat_percent> </vat_percent>
     <call_limit> </call_limit>
     <accounting_number> </accounting_number>


  • <error>User was not found</error> - User was not found using user_id and/or username. Use correct user_id and/or username.
  • <error>Incorrect hash</error> - Hash was not correct. Check API_Secret_Key and order or params while concatenating hash_string.

See also