How to repair MySQL table

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If you can't open GUI and you see something similiar in your /home/mor/log/production.log:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Table 'calls' is marked as crashed and should be repaired: SELECT * FROM calls WHERE (dst_device_id =189 AND disposition != 'ANSWERED' AND calldate BETWEEN '2008-11-07 00:00:00' AND '2008-11-07 23:59:59') ORDER BY calldate DESC):

That means table 'calls' should be repaired. Log in into mysql console, choose your mor database (usually mor) and do:

 repair table damaged_table;

Thats it, table should be repaired now.

 mysql> repair table calls;
 | Table     | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text |
 | mor.calls | repair | status   | OK       |
 1 row in set (1 min 18.25 sec)
 mysql> exit

If this doesn't help, try connecting to your server and doing:

 #shell$:/ cd /var/lib/mysql
 #shell$:/ myisamchk -r -q broken_table_name
 #shell$:/ /etc/init.d/mysqld restart