MOR API ma activate api

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MOR API API activates actions that are indicated in monitoring settings. For example, sends an email.

  • Call: /api/monitoring_addon_activate
  • Params:
    • monitoring_id - monitoring ID. Required.
    • users - users' IDs. Required.
    • block - blocks the user. Required.
    • email - sends email about blocked user to admin. Possible values[true - send email, false - do not send email]. Required.
    • mtype - monitoring type. Possible values[1 - Increases more than, 2- Drops below than]. Required.
  • Returns:
    • Success:
      <status> blocked</status>

     <status> email sent</status>
     <status> email sent</status>

  • Errors:
    • <error>Such monitoring was not found. Verify master-slave database integrity.</error> - incorrect monitoring settings were sent.
    • <error>You must supply these params: monitoring_id, users, block, email, mtype</error> - not all required settings were sent.
    • <error>Incorrect hash</error> - Hash was not correct. Check API_Secret_Key and order or params while concatenating hash_string.

  • Example:
    • We have user_id = 2 and user_id = 3, API Secret Key = 456789, monitoring type "Increases more than", actions selected are to block user and to send an email (email options must be configured correctly, otherwise you will get a reminder to configure them).
    • Hash string to be converted: "123456789"
    • We might send:
      • //api/monitoring_addon_activate?u=admin&p=admin1&monitoring_id=2,3&users=123&block=true&email=true&mtype=1&hash=760990a268bfd03859b6a001ea3712ed096202ef

* Note that username and password are not included in hash